
Program Evaluation of One-to-One Technology Program

Date of Award

Winter 11-2-2018

Document Type

Restricted Dissertation

Degree Name

Doctorate of Education, Ed.D.


College of Education



First Advisor

Mark E. Jimenez, Ed.D.

Second Advisor

Aaron Cooley, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Corey McKenna, Ph.D.


The purpose of this study was to examine teachers’ perceptions of one-to-one learning environments where each student is provided a technological device and its effect on student learning. This qualitative case study examined teachers who had direct interaction with students teaching in a one-to-one learning environment in fifth through ninth grade. The teachers in the study had varied years of experience within this environment that varied between one and five years. The study included 90 completed surveys, seven interviews, and data collected from the last four years that examined teachers’ perceptions of the students’ abilities covering 17 core skills. Through the lenses of professional development, length of exposure, and technology infrastructure dependability a shift occurred in the teachers’ pedagogical approach to the use of technology. The results indicate that through high-quality professional development and high technology dependability, the teachers approach to instruction shifted over time from concrete applications of technology to a blended infusion of technology to enhance and redefine instructional methodology. The results also indicated that with the many positives that come with learning in a one-to-one learning environment, there was a decline in the students’ ability to research, be globally aware, and persevere through complex tasks. These results will help other schools and districts implement successful one-to-one learning environments and provide indicators of potential areas of declining skills.

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