CUP Faculty Research
Pister's Pupfish
Document Type
Publication Date
Fall 9-1-2005
On a searing August day in 1969, just one month after men took a walk on the moon and returned home by cannon-balling into the ocean, fishery biologist Phil Pister worked for hours, on his own time and without pay, carrying buckets of tiny fish from one pool to another at a place called Fish Slough in the center of California’s volcanic tableland in Owens Valley. Usually we speak of humans driving a species to extinction. In Phil’s case, he drove them to their salvation—in his pickup truck.
Published In
Isotope: A Journal of Literary Nature and Science Writing
Recommended Citation
Terrill, Ceiridwen, "Pister's Pupfish" (2005). CUP Faculty Research. 85.
CU Commons -- Global Studies and Culture Faculty Research