CUP Faculty Research
Possessing the Wild
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When we started the 2 o'clock tour at the Colorado Wolf & Wildlife Center in the mountains above Colorado Springs, the wolves were napping, just as wild wolves do in the middle of the day. A woman in jeans and cowboy boots served as guide for our group — eight random travelers, most of whom simply had seen the road sign, pulled in and paid the $10 fee. She led us from one enclosure to the next to see animals with names like Princess and Wakanda — tossing them treats from a Ziploc bag, so we could hear their jaws snap shut. Then she led us in a group howl, hoping that some of the wolves would join in. "Ready?" she said. "One, two, three. ..."
Published In
High Country News
Recommended Citation
Terrill, Ceiridwen, "Possessing the Wild" (2011). CUP Faculty Research. 83.
CU Commons -- Global Studies and Culture Faculty Research