CUP Faculty Research
Concurrent Validity and Clinical Utility of a Seven-Subtest WAIS-R Short Form in Patients with Cerebral Tumors
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Recent studies of the concurrent validity of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) seven-subtest short form (Ward, 1990) have reported high validity coefficients across several groups (e.g., normal subjects,psychiatricpatients, and closed head injury patients).However, Iverson, Myers, Bengtson, and Adams (1996), found that this short form may not be accurate with a subset of patients who carry the diagnosis of dementia. Their report raised the question whether there are other groups of patients for which the concurrent validity of the short form may prove to be poor. In response to this question, validity coefficients for the seven-subtest short form were calculated for the Verbal IQ (VIQ), Performance IQ (PIQ), and Full Scale IQ (FSIQ) with a sample of patients with cerebral tumors (n= 110) and were.97, .96, and .98, respectively. In this group, the average estimated FSIQ and VIQ was within 1 point while the estimated PIQ was within 2 points of the actual WAIS-R quotients. Bandwidth calculations revealed that 95% of the corresponding short form IQ estimates were within 6 points of FSIQ, 7 points of VIQ, and 9 points of PIQ. These data support the concurrent validity of the seven-subtest short form with patients diagnosed with cerebral tumors. Implications and future research directions are discussed.
Recommended Citation
Mueller, R. M.; Crossen, J. R.; Primus, E. A.; and Wiens, A. N., "Concurrent Validity and Clinical Utility of a Seven-Subtest WAIS-R Short Form in Patients with Cerebral Tumors" (1998). CUP Faculty Research. 207.
CU Commons -- Social and Behavioral Sciences Department Faculty Research
Publication Information.
Mueller, R. M., Crossen, J. R., Primus, E. A., & Wiens, A. N. (1998). Concurrent validity and clinical utility of a seven-subtest WAIS-R short form in patients with cerebral tumors. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 13(1), 91. doi:10.1016/S0887-6177(98)90530-3