CUP Faculty Research
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Background: The family of c-Jun NH2-terminal kinases (JNK) plays important roles in embryonic development and in cellular responses to stress. Toxic metals and their compounds are potent activators of JNK in mammalian cells. The mechanism of mammalian JNK activation by cadmium and sodium arsenite involves toxicant-induced oxidative stress. The study of mammalian signaling pathways to JNK is complicated by the significant degree of redundancy among upstream JNK regulators, especially at the level of JNK kinase kinases (JNKKK).
Results: Using Drosophila melanogaster S2 cells, we demonstrate here that cadmium and arsenite activate Drosophila JNK (D-JNK) via oxidative stress as well, thus providing a simpler model system to study JNK signaling. To elucidate the signaling pathways that lead to activation of D-JNK in response to cadmium or arsenite, we employed RNA interference (RNAi) to knock down thirteen upstream regulators of D-JNK, either singly or in combinations of up to seven at a time.
Conclusion: D-MEKK1, the fly orthologue of mammalian MEKK4/MTK1, and Hemipterous/DMKK7 mediate the activation of D-JNK by cadmium and arsenite.
Published In
BMC Cell Biology
Recommended Citation
Ryabinina, Olga P.; Subbian, Ezhilkani; and Iordanov, Mihail S., "D-MEKK1, the Drosophila Orthologue of Mammalian MEKK4/MTK1, and Hemipterous/D-MKK7 Mediate the Activation of D-JNK by Cadmium and Arsenite in Schneider Cells" (2006). CUP Faculty Research. 115.
CU Commons -- Math and Science Department Faculty Research
Publication Information.
Ryabinina, O. P., Subbian, E., & Iordanov, M. S. (2006). D-MEKK1, the Drosophila orthologue of mammalian MEKK4/MTK1, and Hemipterous/D-MKK7 mediate the activation of D-JNK by cadmium and arsenite in Schneider cells. BMC Cell Biology, 7, 7. doi:10.1186/1171-2121-7-7
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