The Promethean
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Publication Date
Spring 5-1-2015
Letter from the Editor
With every new generation it is important to look back and learn from those that have come before us, but it is also essential to redefine the new era on a personal level. Henry David Thoreau, venerated author and philosopher, concluded his novel Walden with the line, "It is not worth the while to go round the world to count the cats in Zanzibar." Thoreau's sentiment was that a change of soul or purpose is more important than a change of scenery.
I speak for myself as well as a lot of other late-teen and twenty-something when I say that the change in scenery is more than a want, it is a call to our souls to see and experience distant places. That is why, "It is not worth the while to go round the world to count the cats in Zanzibar?" took on a lot of meaning this year as it evolved to become something that was uniquely our own.
For us, it is really a question of the worth of a dream. In the context of curing diseases, traveling to Indonisia or Guam seems like a petty pursuit but, if we can gather those experiences and knowledge and use those to inspire us to put good and light into the world, is that not just as worthy of a pursuit?
What follows are the pieces and experiences of my life and the other authors' lives that we hope to inspire others with. We hope to not only be relatable but also to share some of our understanding with people that we might not ever meet.
Through the tireless efforts of Dr. Kim Knutsen and the other student editors of The Promethean, I am proud to present to you Cats in Zanzibar.
Raeann Bauer, Managing Editor
Managing Editor
Raeann Bauer
Faculty Advisor
Dr. Kimberly Knutsen
Cover art by
Haley Bucher
Creative Writing | Fiction | Nonfiction | Poetry
The Promethean is an annual journal of the College of Theology, Arts, and Sciences of Concordia University-Pordand. The publication of The Promethean is made possible with funding from the Associated Students of Concordia University (ASCU). The content is chosen by an editorial staff of faculty and student editors. The opinions expressed in the journal do not necessarily reflect those of the College of Theology, Arts, and Sciences of Concordia University. All works are copyrighted.
Recommended Citation
English Department, Concordia University-Portland, "The Promethean, Volume 23, Cats in Zanzibar, 2015" (2015). The Promethean. 39.