The Promethean
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Publication Date
Spring 5-1-2003
Faculty Advisor
Lynnell Edwards
Cover art by
Grace Ringsrud
Creative Writing | Fiction | Nonfiction | Poetry
The Promethean is an annual journal of the College of Theology, Arts, and Sciences of Concordia University-Pordand. The publication of The Promethean is made possible with funding from the Associated Students of Concordia University (ASCU). The content is chosen by an editorial staff of faculty and student editors. The opinions expressed in the journal do not necessarily reflect those of the College of Theology, Arts, and Sciences of Concordia University. All works are copyrighted.
Recommended Citation
English Department, Concordia University-Portland, "The Promethean, Volume 11, Number 02, Spring/Summer 2003" (2003). The Promethean. 24.