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Dr. Rhoda Schuler, Term Professor of Theology and Interdisciplinary Studies, recommends The Character of Leadership: Political Realism and Public Virtue in Nonprofit Organizations by Michael Jinkins and Deborah Bradshaw Jinkins.
"I chose this book for a new class I taught, Best Practices for Mission & Ministry, which I subtitled 'Let justice roll down like waters': Exploring a biblical basis for the mission and ministry of Christian-based, non-profit organizations. I was intrigued by these words from the book jacket: 'As their model, the authors use one of the smartest political observers of all time, Niccolo Machiavelli… [and] show how Machiavelli’s methods can work in contemporary leadership situations—ethically.' I was but nervous using a book holding up Machiavelli as a model in a Christian Ministry class, but the students, a delightful group of women, gave the book a thumbs up. His political realism speaks to many situations in the non-profit world."
CSP READS, National Library Week