The Sword
Publication Date
Editor in Chief
Anna Fritze
Front Matter
- Letter from the Editor
- A Historic Meeting: Pope Francis Meets with Grand Ayatollah
- CSP Returns to Campus Operations
- MN Protesters Demand Justice During Chauvin Murder Trial
- The Royal Interview: Meghan and Harry Share Their Story
- $1.9 Trillion COVID Relief Bill and Stimulus Check Information
- An Interview with President Friedrich
- Reactions/Aftermath of the US Capitol Riots, FBI Arrests
- Perseverance Mission Hopes to Lead Humans Closer to Mars
- Why Netflix Cancels the Good Shows
- The Fall of "The Bachelor"
- Take a Breath
- Taking Care of the Earth is an Important Ritual
- Rushing Back to School
- #StopAsianHate
- Military Conflict Causes Ethiopians to Flee Their Country
- Majoring in Theater: Why Do Most Asian Americans Choose "Practical" Majors?
- The One Where It's Canceled
- I'll Do It Tomorrow: The Struggles of a Lazy Student
- Taylor Swift vs. Netflix
- CSP Men and Women's Basketball Finishes Season
- CSP Softball Kicks Off Season
- Esports Update
- Concordia-St. Paul Track and Field Ready for Outdoor Season
- "Miracle on Ice" Star Mark Pavelich Dead at 63
Arts and Variety
- The Sword Interviews The Current: Radio Personality Jade Tittle Gives Insight on the Music Industry in the Pandemic and Working Her Dream Job
- Recipe: Spicy Butternut Squash Curry
- Recipe Review: Instant Ramen "Yaki Soba"
- For the Love of Cod by Eric Dregni
- "Moxie" and "Promising Young Woman": Two Film Reviews for the Modern Feminist
- Love is Patient: Senior Exhibit
- Jubilate Choir's Easter Vesper Service
- Sprance 2021
- Sexual Assault Awareness Month
- Book Review: In Cold Blood
- One of the Lucky Ones
- Christus Chorus Home Concert
- TV Show Review: "The Witcher"
- Senior Spotlight: Carli Bruckmueller
Document Type
This is not an official CSP publication and does not necessarily reflect the view of the administration, faculty, or staff. For all questions related to copyright and reuse of these materials, contact The Sword via email at sword@csp.edu.
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