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Science Department

Faculty Mentor

Myrna Rezcallah


Dengue Fever or also known as breakbone fever is a viral infection that is spread from mosquitoes to people. The first isolation of Dengue Fever was in 1943 Japan and 1945 in Hawaii, the first two dengue viruses were isolated and named DENV1 and DENV2. There are 4 variations of Dengue, DENV 1-4. Each year there are about 50 million dengue infections and of those about 500,000 individuals are hospitalized with hemorrhagic dengue fever. It is estimated that 2.5 billion people are at risk of contracting dengue, Brazil is among the countries most affected by this terrible viral disease, with 13.6 million cases. Common symptoms of Dengue include Nausea/Vomiting, Rashes, Aches and Pains, and Thrombocytopenia. Some cases can become severe and cause hemorrhagic fever. Dengue occurs in hot climates, Temperature is an important determinant of biting rate, egg and immature mosquito development, development time of virus in the mosquito, and survival at all stages of the mosquito life cycle. Studies show that if climate change continues it can lead to high human exposure to dengue fever. It can affect Australia, Europe and North America. Dengue has expanded due to declining vector-control and increasing global trade and travel. Mosquitoes are vector-borne (living organisms) that transmit the disease, in this case Dengue via contact. Mosquitoes release viral particles covered in salivary glands in order to deliver pathogens to humans while they pass through the dermis of the skin. Dengue is transmitted primarily through a mosquito called Aedes aegypti.


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