Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education



Capstone Instructor

Carl Schoenbeck

Second Reader

Donald Selke


Christian education, Sunday schools


The purpose of this study is to investigate whether students in grades pre-kindergarten through eight exhibit greater attendance in Sunday Schools that exhibit caring Sunday School teachers. Revised survey items from already established surveys were utilized. The data from the ''Caring Sunday School Teacher" surveys for this study was collected from randomly selected sampling of The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod--Sunday Schools in the Minnesota South District. The Sunday School teachers filled out surveys on self-evaluation of caring behaviors and attitudes toward their students and on attendance patterns. Results indicate there is no correlation between caring teachers and students' attendance. The study identifies caring Sunday School teachers' attitudes and behaviors which are vital to the growth of today's Sunday Schools and makes recommendations for further research, Recommendations are made for making Sunday Schools more caring.


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