

Document Type



Bachelor of Arts

Project Coordinator (Advisor 1)

Charlotte Knoche


The purpose of this report is to determine the reasons why real-time Radioscopy (RTR) is not currently accepted as a method of final inspection on aircraft, aerospace, and other government contract related aluminum castings, analyze the potential causes for these reasons, and propose solutions that may allow real-time radioscopy to be used for the final inspection of aluminum castings at Progress Casting Group.

This report shall identify the strengths and weakness' of RTR. It shall report the findings of interviews of individuals knowledgeable in the field of radioscopy and those who have the responsibility to either accept or reject RTR as a final inspection method. Finally it shall recommend the type of equipment necessary for Progress to use RTR as a final inspection method.

This report will not attempt to recommend any equipment or procedures for the use of RTR as a final inspection method in any company other than Progress. It will not attempt to evaluate the effectiveness of the recommendations or the success of Progress to use R TR for final inspection.


Concordia School of Accelerated Learning


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