CUP Undergraduate Research


The Sexual Harassment of Men and Women A Comparative Study of Gender Differences

Date of Award


Document Type

Restricted Access Thesis


College of Theology, Arts, & Sciences



Degree Name

Biology, BA

First Advisor

Erin Mueller, PhD


This thesis presents a comparison of the differing experiences of men and women with regard to sexual harassment. Studies of sexual harassment primarily have focused on the experiences of female victims and male perpetrators (e.g., Maypole & Skaine, 1983; Saal, Johnson, & Weber, 1989; Pryor & McKinney, 1995). The research into the experiences and consequences for male victims of sexual harassment has been less extensive. The aim of this thesis is to show the gap in the research and that there are differences between the genders in their experiences and reactions to sexual harassment. In this study, significant differences were found in emotional and physical consequences of sexual harassment. Significance was also found when participants were asked if their experiences were annoying, offensive, disturbing or threatening.

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