Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctorate of Education, Ed.D.


College of Education



First Advisor

Brandy Kamm, Ph.D.



The purpose of this study was to determine if a relationship exists between the perceptions of K-12 Florida Public School administrators and the absence of male teachers. The quantitative survey instrument provided the means to examine the significance of the administrators’ perceptions regarding the lack of male teachers at all grade levels. A shortage and absence of male teachers in public schools in the United States is an issue that continues to be relevant in research. Much literature has explored the obstacles that keep male teachers from entering and staying in the K-12 public educational system. Results from Quantitative survey study were developed using chi square analysis and revealed much agreement between both male and female administrators regarding the hiring of males under the categories of difficulty in hiring males, equal representation of male and female teachers, and parent acceptance of male teachers. Surprisingly, however, both female and male administrators were neutral in the areas of providing affirmative action to ensure an equal number of male and female teachers and perceiving that the current salaries deter men from applying for teaching positions.

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