Date of Award

Winter 11-26-2018

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctorate of Education, Ed.D.


College of Education



First Advisor

Brianna Parsons, Ed.D.

Second Advisor

Patricia Talbert, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Bill Boozang, Ed.D.


The value of higher education is a topic of great consideration and discussion, not only for current and future students, but also for legislators, educators, and employers. A college degree is more than a pathway toward advanced knowledge in a given subject; it is a component of a larger outcome beyond a diploma, it's a job. While the scale of employment opportunities appears to rise for those with a college degree, it is not enough to guarantee security for new graduates, no matter their topic of study. More than a competency in the field of study is required to prove value as a potential employee for these new graduates. The healthcare industry, for example, requires skills beyond the concepts of care delivery. The industry looks for skills sets which may or may not be a part of a college curriculum; critical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork capacity, desire for ongoing learning, communication and leadership proficiency (North & Shriver, 2016). This qualitative case study utilized semi-structured interviews to investigate the perceived readiness of new graduates turned employees from health science professional programs of study at the undergraduate level with insight and perspectives of employers and educators. Curricular design and job expectation assessment was the foci of consideration with the survey analysis from individuals within the educator, graduate, and employer groups; creating a comparative look at preparedness in the areas of critical thinking, problem-solving, communication and leadership proficiency. The results of this study provides connectivity which reaches into the foundation of interprofessional education.
